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Patricia Wanderley Ferreira Lopes

Instituto Andaluz de Patrimonio histórico y Universidad Internacional de La Rioja

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Intereses, actividades e información adicional sobre Patricia Wanderley Ferreira Lopes

Sobre mí

Currently, Ferreira-Lopes is a scientific researcher at the Andalusian Institute of Historical Heritage. She also teaches in the Master's Degree in Digital Humanities and in the Master's Degree in Cultural Heritage Management (UNIR). Since 2014, she is researcher member of HUM799 reserach group (DEGA department of ETSA at University of Seville) and an external researcher at the Institute of Contemporary History (IHC) - FCSH Nova Lisboa.

Before starting my PhD, I worked on the application of GIS in industrial heritage as a researcher at the University of Seville. During my PhD, I gained expertise in architectural heritage, database management, Historical GIS, graph theory and Social Network Analysis from an extensive variety of technically-related research projects in different Centres and in her thesis development.   My spectrum of research covers a wide but well-connected range of competencies, including both the theoretical and experimental side, which is also reflected in the networks she has been active in. I have been collaborating with international and national R&D Centres: in Canada (CulturePlexLab at the Western University of Ontario, London), in the Netherlands (CLUE + Research Institute for Culture, History and Heritage at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), in Spain (UNESCO Chair in Cultural Landscape and Heritage at the University of the Basque Country, Vitoria-Gasteiz), in Portugal (Civil Engineering Research Innovation and Sustainability at the Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon; IHC at NOVA Lisboa) and Ireland (DARIAH-EU, Dublin). I also worked for four years as a teacher at the Higher Technical Superior Architectural School of the University of Seville, teaching Architecture design and Urban planning, digital tools (GIS)  in project development and photography.

In 2019, I worked at FCSH Nova Lisboa as Invited Scientist (FCT) where I co-coordinated the Digital Humanities Lab. Also, in 2019, I won a Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral fellowship. In 2022, I won a José Castillejo Grant, in which I developed the research project as Principal Researcher “Cross-border industrial heritage in the Eurocity of Guadiana” [PITGUADIANA]. Also, in 2022, I started the project "Modern Heritage Data Management Infrastructure" as a Co-Principal Researcher (funded by the Ministry of Innovation and Competitiveness of Spain). In 2023, I won a Ramón&Cajal research fellowship.

Moreover, I have participated in six R&D+i projects of the Spanish National Plan for Scientific and Technical Research, numerous international and national conferences, and have imparted lectures in national and international courses. The lines of research in which I am working are methods and techniques for the conservation, intervention, and management of heritage, heritage data science, Historical GIS, SNA, semantic models, data visualization, and industrial heritage. 

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Comillas Universidad Pontificia
Egregius Congresos


Dyckinson SL
Egregius Ediciones
Grupo de Investigación SER

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