S06-03 10

Improving Primary School Children\’s Learning Experiences: The Significance of Cooperative Learning in teacher Training at University


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Anna SzczesniakUniversidad de Malaga


Cooperative learning has been shown not only to enhance students’ academic performance but also to foster essential skills such as communication, problem-solving, critical thinking, and teamwork. Its considerable benefits made it a valuable tool in primary school classrooms and thus it also became a focal point in university teacher training programmes in order to equip educators with the necessary skills to create enriched learning experiences for primary school children. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to analyse the opinions of university students on cooperative learning practice which was implemented during their teacher training programme. The study comprised a sample of 62 students who were enrolled in the Primary Education Degree. Throughout the entire semester, the students were engaged in collaborative group work as an essential part of their coursework in the subject of Theoretical and Practical Foundations of Foreign Language Teaching. The data were collected through an ad-hoc questionnaire comprising two distinct sections: the initial segment encompassed nine-closed ended questions exploring students’ overall perceptions and prior experience with cooperative learning. The latter section encompassed 30 questions, specifically focused on their learning experiences within the particular subject of interest, and the second part was further subdivided into the following categories: a) skills development, b) subject matter acquisition, c) task and responsibility management, d) time management, e) problem management, f) overall assessment. Responses were recorded using a 6-point Likert scale, ranging from I strongly disagree to I strongly agree. For the present study, the analysis primarily concentrated on the findings derived from the second part of the questionnaire. As regards the results, the study substantiated the advantages of incorporating cooperative learning in the education setting. As the mean result indicated, the majority of students affirmed that cooperative learning has improved their teamwork skills, enhanced their oral and written communication proficiency and fostered the development of their autonomous learning, helping them take responsibility for their own educational progress. Moreover, it improved the interaction and helped them become more open-minded towards diverse perspectives. Numerous students also stated that they acquired greater knowledge through collaborative group work compared to the conventional approach and felt more motivated towards their learning process. According to the respondents, all members actively participated in the completion of tasks and assisted one another to solve doubts. The mean is also relatively high for equal participation and clear establishment of roles. It has also been argued that there were not many conflicts when working in teams and the students had always been able to reach agreements and resolve conflicts effectively despite divergent viewpoints. In conclusion, the current research corroborates that cooperative learning is a highly effective approach in educational settings. Therefore, teaching future teachers how to collaborate and cooperate is essential for improving their teaching practices, which consequently leads to improved students’ outcomes. Teamwork allows teachers to pool their expertise and resources and develop more efficient teaching strategies. Furthermore, those teachers who realize the value of cooperation are more likely to implement cooperative practices in their classrooms.

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      Nieves Gutiérrez Ángel

      Comentó el 30/09/2023 a las 12:48:43

      Enhorabuena por vuestro trabajo!
      Os habéis planteado replicar el trabajo aumentando la muestra?

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        Anna Szczesniak

        Comentó el 30/09/2023 a las 13:03:35

        En efecto, hemos considerado la posibilidad de replicar nuestro trabajo aumentando la muestra en futuras investigaciones. La ampliación de la muestra podría proporcionar una base más sólida para nuestros hallazgos y permitir una comprensión más completa de los resultados. Estamos comprometidos en mejorar continuamente nuestra investigación y explorar todas las formas posibles de enriquecer nuestro trabajo. Agradecemos tus sugerencias

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      Javier de la Hoz-Ruíz

      Comentó el 29/09/2023 a las 15:35:22

      Enhorabuena Ana, muy interesante. ¿me podrías pasar información o referencias sobre estos usos en etapas superiores? Es decir no centrado solamente en Educación Primaria

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        Anna Szczesniak

        Comentó el 29/09/2023 a las 23:39:16

        Buenas tardes, abajo le dejo unas referencias donde puede encontrar información sobre el aprendiazje cooperativo no solamente centrado en el Grado de Educación Primaria sino también en Educación secuntadia y Infantil.

        Brown, C., & Poortman, C. L. (2018). Networks for learning: Effective collabora-tion for teacher, school and system improvement. New York, NY: Routledge.

        Chan, C. K. K., & Pang, M. F. (2006). Teacher collaboration in learning communities. Teaching Education, 17(1), 1–5. https://doi.org/10.1080/10476210500527899

        Ferguson-Patrick, K. (2018). The importance of teacher role in cooperative learning: the effects of high-stakes testing on pedagogical approaches of early career teachers in primary schools. Education 3-13, 46(1), 89–101. https://doi.org/10.1080/03004279.2016.1189946

        Gillies, R. M., & Boyle, M. (2010). Teachers’ reflections on cooperative learning: Issues of implementation. Teaching and Teacher Education, 26(4), 933–940. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2009.10.034

        Johnson, D. W., & Johnson, R. T. (2009). An educational psychology success story: Social interdependence theory and cooperative learning. Educational Researcher, 38(5), 365–379. https://doi.org/10.3102/0013189X09339057

        Jolliffe, W. (2015). Bridging the gap: teachers cooperating together to implement cooperative learning. Education 3-13, 43(1), 70–82. https://doi.org/10.1080/03004279.2015.961719

        Makovec, D. (2018). The teacher’s role and professional development. International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education, 6(2), 33–45. https://doi.org/10.5937/ijcrsee1802033

        Molina, C. A., & López, F. S. (2019). Teachers’ collaborative work: New toward for teacher’s development. Psicologia Escolar e Educacional, 23, 1–7. https://doi.org/10.1590/2175-35392019017926
        Musanti, S. I., & Pence, L. P. (2010). and Navigating Identities Collaboration and Teacher Development : Teacher Education Quarterly, 37(1), 73–90. http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=eric&AN=EJ872650&site=ehost-live
        Salisu, A., & Ransom, E. N. (2014). The Role of Modeling towards Impacting Quality Education. International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences, 32, 54–61. https://doi.org/10.18052/www.scipress.com/ilshs.32.54
        Sharan, Y. (2015). Meaningful learning in the cooperative classroom. Education 3-13, 43(1), 83–94. https://doi.org/10.1080/03004279.2015.961723

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      Violeta Doval

      Comentó el 29/09/2023 a las 11:28:38

      Felicidades por este interesante estudio. Nunca se insistirá suficiente sobre la importancia desde la educación secundaria hasta el ámbito universitario, de la necesidad de las metodologías colaborativas, las cuales son clave además para el desarollo de soft skills, clave en el mundo profesional interdisciplinar. Los enfoques experienciales son también muy importantes.

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        Violeta Doval

        Comentó el 29/09/2023 a las 11:30:17

        En este sentido, vuestro estudio centrado en la educación primaria es claramente innovador. Enhorabuena!

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        Anna Szczesniak

        Comentó el 29/09/2023 a las 23:39:53

        Totalmente de acuerdo. Gracias por el comentario.

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      Anna Szczesniak

      Comentó el 28/09/2023 a las 17:39:09

      Gracias por su interés. Abajo le pongo unas obras que utilicé para escribir el capitulo:

      Brown, C., & Poortman, C. L. (2018). Networks for learning: Effective collaboration for teacher, school and system improvement. New York, NY: Routledge.

      Chan, C. K. K., & Pang, M. F. (2006). Teacher collaboration in learning communities. Teaching Education, 17(1), 1–5. https://doi.org/10.1080/10476210500527899

      Duran, D., Flores, M., & Miquel, E. (2019). The teacher’s role during cooperative learning: Should I leave the classroom when students are independently working in teams? Journal of Classroom Interaction, 54(2), 24–40.

      Duran, D., & Miquel, E. (2019). Preparing teachers for collaborative classrooms. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education. https://doi.org/10.1093/acrefore/9780190264093.013.780

      Ferguson-Patrick, K. (2018). The importance of teacher role in cooperative learning: the effects of high-stakes testing on pedagogical approaches of early career teachers in primary schools. Education 3-13, 46(1), 89–101. https://doi.org/10.1080/03004279.2016.1189946

      Gillies, R. M., & Boyle, M. (2010). Teachers’ reflections on cooperative learning: Issues of implementation. Teaching and Teacher Education, 26(4), 933–940. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2009.10.034

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      María Dolores Pérez Esteban

      Comentó el 28/09/2023 a las 11:40:59

      Estimada autora,
      En primer lugar, quería felicitarles por su magnífica ponencia. Con respecto a ella me surge la siguiente cuestión ¿podría recomendarme alguna lectura relacionada con su estudio?
      Muchas gracias

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        Anna Szczesniak

        Comentó el 29/09/2023 a las 23:41:03

        Claro. arriba les proporcione a una compañera también. Algúnas obras que utilice para escribir el capítulo son las siguientes:Brown, C., & Poortman, C. L. (2018). Networks for learning: Effective collaboration for teacher, school and system improvement. New York, NY: Routledge.

        Chan, C. K. K., & Pang, M. F. (2006). Teacher collaboration in learning communities. Teaching Education, 17(1), 1–5. https://doi.org/10.1080/10476210500527899

        Duran, D., Flores, M., & Miquel, E. (2019). The teacher’s role during cooperative learning: Should I leave the classroom when students are independently working in teams? Journal of Classroom Interaction, 54(2), 24–40.

        Duran, D., & Miquel, E. (2019). Preparing teachers for collaborative classrooms. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education. https://doi.org/10.1093/acrefore/9780190264093.013.780

        Ferguson-Patrick, K. (2018). The importance of teacher role in cooperative learning: the effects of high-stakes testing on pedagogical approaches of early career teachers in primary schools. Education 3-13, 46(1), 89–101. https://doi.org/10.1080/03004279.2016.1189946

        Gillies, R. M., & Boyle, M. (2010). Teachers’ reflections on cooperative learning: Issues of implementation. Teaching and Teacher Education, 26(4), 933–940. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2009.10.034

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