S05-19 05



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Luz Castillo-CuestaUniversidad Técnica Particular de Loja
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Paola Cabrera-SolanoUniversidad Técnica Particular de Loja



English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers’ abilities should be emphasized in conveying 21st-century skills through structured teaching approaches (Sulaiman & Noor, 2020). In this context, Problem-Based Learning (PBL) is an innovative educational approach that focuses on active and student-centered learning. In PBL, students engage in solving real-world problems and acquire knowledge, develop critical thinking skills, and collaborate with peers (Duch et al, 2001). In this regard, the PBL approach can be used to enhance inclusive education in EFL classrooms, which according to Echevarría (2017), seeks to ensure that all students, regardless of their skills, needs, or cultural backgrounds, have equal access and opportunities to learn this language. Therefore, the aim of this study was to enhance teachers’ competencies in inclusive education through PBL activities.


  • To enhance EFL teachers’ competencies in inclusive education through the PBL approach.
  • To design learning strategies to develop EFL skills for effective communication.


The participants were 24 postgraduate students from a Master’s program in EFL Teaching at a private university in Ecuador. Their ages range from 22 to 48 years, and their English proficiency level corresponds to B2. Public and private institutions from across the country participated. Diagnostic and exit surveys were used to determine the participants’ competencies regarding aspects related to inclusive education, learning difficulties, disabilities, Universal Design for Learning (UDL), and their impact on the teaching-learning process. The PBL approach was implemented for a period of  3 months, during which the postgraduate students contacted authorities, EFL teachers, and the Student Counseling Departments in schools, high schools, and English institutes to discuss the project and seek their support. Then, the participants received training in UDL and proposed strategies for inclusive EFL teaching.

Results and discussion

Competencies before the PBL implementation

Most of the respondents acknowledged that their domain regarding planning methodological adaptations and implementing learning activities for inclusive teaching, was basic (58%).

Concerning the application of UDL principles, the participants agreed that their competencies were basic (71%) and intermediate (29%); similarly, their competencies for understanding the impact of learning difficulties on the teaching-learning process and students’ lives, were basic. Finally, when indicating their knowledge of learning difficulties and inclusive education, most of the postgraduate students responded that their domain was intermediate (63%). As Emili et al. (2019) affirm that educators must be aware of their own knowledge, experience, and competencies.

Competencies after the PBL implementation

There were significant improvements in students’ competencies after the implementation of the PBL approach. Notably, 68% of the participants reported achieving advanced proficiency in planning methodological adaptations, 55% demonstrated enhanced skills in applying UDL principles, 77% displayed improved abilities in identifying the impact of learning difficulties on students’ lives, and 77% affirmed a heightened level of expertise in their knowledge of learning difficulties and inclusive education. These results demonstrate that PBL projects can develop learners’ academic and social-emotional skills (Boardman & Hovland, 2022), and they can provide learners with a comprehensive and empathetic understanding of learning disabilities.


Gaining insight into the effects of learning difficulties and disabilities on learners’ lives and academic achievement empowers educators to proactively address students’ unique needs and implement strategies that foster inclusion within the EFL classroom. Furthermore, the PBL approach allows postgraduate students to enhance their competencies in understanding inclusion and learning difficulties, planning methodological adaptations, and implementing learning strategies based on the UDL approach to improve learners’ linguistic skills for effective communication.

Preguntas y comentarios al autor/es

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      Luz Castillo-Cuesta

      Comentó el 28/09/2023 a las 20:14:12

      Estimado Alexis,
      Un saludo cordial. Agradecemos su comentario y su interés en el uso del aprendizaje basado en proyectos y la plataforma CANVAS. En la implementación del ABP, CANVAS es una herramienta valiosa para gestionar y organizar proyectos educativos. Esta plataforma permite comunicarse en un entorno virtual colaborativo. Además, facilita el seguimiento del progreso de los proyectos y la interacción constante entre los estudiantes y el docente. Sin embargo, su efectividad dependerá de cómo se integre en su contexto específico del proyecto y sus objetivos.
      Gracias nuevamente por comentar.
      Saludos desde Loja, Ecuador.

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      Maria-del-Mar Suárez

      Comentó el 28/09/2023 a las 11:21:33

      Congrats on your presentation. I have a question regarding wording. What do you mean by "Most of the respondents acknowledged that their domain regarding planning methodological adaptations and implementing learning activities for inclusive teaching, was basic (58%)." "Basic" as in "simple"? Or is it a mistranslation, then meaning "essential"?
      Thank you in advance.

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        Luz Castillo-Cuesta

        Comentó el 28/09/2023 a las 15:43:23

        Thank you for your interest in our presentation. The term "basic" in this context refers to the foundational or introductory level of competence regarding planning methodological adaptations and implementing learning activities for inclusive teaching. It doesn't imply simplicity per se but rather signifies that a significant portion of the respondents acknowledged having a fundamental understanding or competency in this domain. If you have any further comments, please let us know. Your feedback is greatly appreciated!

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      Alexis Martel Robaina

      Comentó el 28/09/2023 a las 10:10:17

      Estimados autores:
      Felicidades por su ponencia. Soy profesor de enseñanzas medias y he utilizado el aprendizaje basado en proyectos. En su opinión, qué importancia dan al uso del CANVAS como herramienta dentro de esta metodología.

      Alexis Martel Robaina

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        Luz Castillo-Cuesta

        Comentó el 29/09/2023 a las 04:26:36

        Estimado Alexis,
        Un saludo cordial. Agradecemos su comentario y su interés en el uso del aprendizaje basado en proyectos y la plataforma CANVAS. En la implementación del ABP, CANVAS es una herramienta valiosa para gestionar y organizar proyectos educativos. Esta plataforma permite comunicarse en un entorno virtual colaborativo. Además, facilita el seguimiento del progreso de los proyectos y la interacción constante entre los estudiantes y el docente. Sin embargo, su efectividad dependerá de cómo se integre en su contexto específico del proyecto y sus objetivos.
        Gracias nuevamente por comentar.
        Saludos desde Loja, Ecuador.

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